LAST CALL for bookings for Thursday, June 15 9:00am to 4:30pm

Digital infrared thermographic imaging (thermography)

Thermography is the practice of using an infrared camera for health scan imaging to show heat signals on the skin. Thermographic scans are capable of detecting areas of inflammation and other early warning signs of disease, making them a useful tool in a multitude of health areas.

Having a thermographic scan is just like getting your picture taken, but we refer to it as health scan imaging. The process is totally non-invasive and involves absolutely no touching or squishing of any kind. Unlike other types of medical imaging, thermography is completely safe and uses zero radiation.

Thermography is not meant to replace other types of health scan imaging such as mammograms or CT scans, however the data that thermographic images provide can be a powerful complement to all other processes. Again, without adding any radiation or agitation.

This Thermography clinic is open to patients and those who are not patients of the clinic. Feel free to share the information with your friends or family.



Breast scan $265, 30 mins
Half Body scan $365, 45 mins
Full Body scan $450, 45 mins
all prices plus HST


Contact the clinic to book an appointment at 705-259-0127