The following recipes for smoothies are good liver and kidney detoxifiers. The liver has to process pretty much everything our body is exposed to as well as what we create on our own. This is a big job. Enjoying any of these smoothies can ehlp the liver in it detoxification role. The kidneys flush out toxins from our bodies, help them out too. Providing foods like beets, ginger, dark berries and kale can provide us with iron to boost our blood.
Fresh fruits and vegetables provide a vast quantity of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, but these nutrients begin to degrade the moment the cell walls of the foods are broken. Thus, in order to reap the benefits of your smoothie or juice, drink it immediately after making it!
Pineapple or Mango Cleanser
1 rib celery
1/3 English cucumber
1 cup frozen pineapple or mango
1/2 lemon, peeled
1/3 bunch parsley
1 inch piece ginger root
1-2 cups water
Place all ingredients into blender and puree until smooth. Enjoy this refreshing taste of summer.
Skin Booster
1/3 English cucumber
1 fresh or frozen banana
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup spinach
1/2 bunch parsley
1 inch piece ginger root
1 Tbsp hemp or chia seeps
1-2 cups water
Place all ingredients into blender and puree until smooth. Enjoy this skin cleansing and anti-oxidant rich smoothie.
Cilantro Detox
1/2 cup fresh or frozen pineapple or mango
2 ribs celery
1 cup green leaf lettuce
1/3 bunch cilantro
1 inch piece ginger root
1-2 cups water
Place all ingredients into blender and puree until smooth. Cilantro is an excellent heavy metal chelator, so it helps to pull heavy metals out of the body. Pineapple and ginger aid digestion to help you eliminate any toxins.
Deep Blue Green
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
2 leaves kale, stems removed
1 inch piece ginger root
1 tbsp chia or hemp seeds
1-2 cups water
Place all ingredients into blender and puree until smooth. Kale is a great source of iron, when combined with vitamin C rich blueberries your body is able to absorb up to 30% more of that iron.
Apple Beety Goodness
1 apple, cored
1 beet, stem removed
1 cup spinach
1/3 bunch parsley
1/3 bunch cilantro
1 inch piece ginger root
1-2 cups water
Place all ingredients into blender and puree until smooth. Apple skins contain quercetin, which helps to control histamine release in the body. Beets and spinach make this a blood building powerhouse.